On Tuesday, May 12th we had the second reading of
Skywriter facilitated through our ongoing partnership with
Artists' Bloc. Seamus had done some major re-writes, in large part influenced by the discussion we had after the first read through in early May and it was awesome to continue to see the script develop, deepen and continue on its journey. This was also the first time we had heard the script read by the full cast and it was really something to see Fletcher, Finch, Cooper & Lorena come to life.
Here are a couple of actions shots from the impromptu press photo shoot we had after the reading:
If all goes to plan, we will have one more reading in early June with the goal of having a more or less final script in time for us to begin rehearsals in mid-June.
Speaking of timeline, we got our dates for Fringe! Here are the details:
Skywriter at The Shop @ Fort Fringe
610 L Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Saturday, July 11 1:30pm
Sunday, July 12 3:15pm
Saturday, July 18 9:30pm
Saturday, July 25 9:00pm
Sunday, July 26 4:45pm
See you there!